Bathers Palace is an emblematic brand of Biarritz. Created in 2004 in this small art deco boutique of the same name in front of Garage Régina, Christine Guiglion alias Kikiritz, its creator, has continued to make it grow. Which Biarrote doesn't have her kikiritz jacket?! From her colorful, chic and vintage universe and her iconographic photo montages of Biarritz, she has conveyed the image of her city beyond borders. Several boutiques, a corner at the Galeries Lafayette... big names in fashion as clients, today its creator having done everything alone in her workshops in Biarritz is taking the brand back to the basics product by product. His world is rich in creativity. What we today call vintage and upcycling, she has experimented with since the 90s and today she gives you access to her image bank so that you too can breathe new life into your entire wardrobe and express with joy all your creativity.

A small art deco architecture
abandonment wedged between two Palaces and a view of the Biarritz lighthouse. This is where the "Baigneuses Palace" was born, in reference to this tiny painting by Picasso: "the bathers at the Biarritz lighthouse" and to this cult TV show "Palace" from the 80s. A little touch of humor for this 18m2 Palace whose motto is Chic&Vintage and the slogans painted in midnight blue letters on the front: souvenirs.coquetterie.précieux bric-à-brac. These words are engraved in this brand forever and make it its very essence.

Kikiritz is the nickname I was given. Kiki diminutive of Christine and -ritz the end of Biarritz. By removing the first four letters and replacing them with kiki it becomes kikiritz.
This is the name I chose to give to this new store. 85m2 of shop and as much workshop upstairs. This was the golden age of kikiritz...vintage corners for men, women, children, numerous showcases of designer jewelry from the 60s to the 90s...old toys...vintage furniture, small medals of the Virgin of all the colors, the unforgettable homemade surprise bags that the children came to collect on Wednesdays….and the birth of the Baigneuses Palace brand still under the name kikiritz with the famous customized army jacket and all these derivatives: the badge, the printed ribbons , the duffel bag, the pouches, the grigri key ring….we nicknamed kikiritz official supplier of Santa Claus!!
The Kikiritz is also the festivals, the launch of the docks ball every year, the creation of the docks flea market, the vintage markets with projection of Scopitones, the seamstresses' flea markets, the tableware, the conferences of art, the promotion of young creators, the sewing and embroidery interns….it was an incalculable number of hours of work.
I sold the store in 2014 to refocus on the Baigneuse Palace brand. Be freer. At the time, I had begun to develop my art of directing and photography at the same time. I wanted to have the time to devote myself to it.

Building on this success and this reputation and the joyful and colorful character of the brand, I was offered a 30m2 corner at the entrance to Galeries Lafayette in Biarritz for one summer. I was able to test all the products there and understand the challenges and functioning of a brand. It is for this new direction of Baigneuses Palace that Celine Ros created a visual identity for me and that I imagined a whole decor to welcome my brand with all the matching packaging that is still relevant today.
Then I continued with corners but with the too frequent change of dedicated spaces and consequently the constant rearrangement of the stands at my expense I abandoned the corners and I chose the event formula on the Weekends much more adapted to my avant-garde and dynamic spirit.

Located at 8 avenue Lahontine in Biarritz, you can find my whole world there...my antique objects, my collections, my current exhibitions...souvenirs, vanities and precious bric-a-brac take on their full meaning there.
I will welcome you there with pleasure but it is better to call me before to be sure to find me there. For a last minute gift I will always find an idea. You can also recover your orders placed on the site.